Sunday, 9 October 2016

September expedition

Disappointingly it was very wet on the morning of our walk but thankfully the weather was beginning to clear as we started our final expedition. The forecast led us to plan a short nature hunt with mixed groups sent to different parts of the canal bank with lists of items to find (including leaves, seed and fruit). Each group was asked to observe the dominant colours of autumn — purples and reds rather than the bright colours of summer.

The nature hunt was followed by the presentation of prizes, rewards and certificates to the children who participated in our local biodiversity competition. RuairĂ­, who completed a biodiversity survey with his brothers, Richard and Eoin, won the overall prize for his additional submission of a quadrat survey. Grace and Annie won the art prize for their canal bank survey. A reported on the competition appeared in the Westmeath Examiner. The certificates were supplied by Waterways Ireland and the prizes and rewards were sponsored by Westmeath County Council.

We were very grateful to Kevin Sexton for coming from Dublin to judge the competition and to the Roe family for providing such kind hospitality during the project.

Date: 24 September 2016 Time: 12-1

Attendance: 30 (including 12 children)

What we observed and talked about —

Flowers: Bulrush, Burdock, Common Knapweed, Devil's-bit Scabious, Dog Rose, Ivy, Tutsan
Trees: Ash, Blackthorn, Beech, Elder, Hawthorn,Sycamore

Here's an interesting copper-coloured insect observed just after the expedition.It's a Pterostichus cupreus, a beetle which is usually found near water.