Saturday, 27 May 2017

May training session

Our second biodiversity training session took place on the High Bank west of Baltrasna Bridge on a wet summer morning. Ecologist Eanna NĂ­ Lamhna gave a wide-ranging commentary on the wildlife along the path, either visible, audible or evident (mammal scats and tracks). 

She pointed out that the presence of foxes can be confirmed by scent and that fox trails visible in the spring might be disused in summer when the fox stays local to a breeding earth. We observed the scat of a pine marten along the path. It's an omnivorous creature, unlike the typically carnivorous stoat, and the scat clearly contained fruit stones (Eanna suggested they were cherries but it's not known where there are cherry trees in the locality). 

We also observed an otter track on the opposite steep bank above the canal, presumably leading from a holt in the linear woodland adjoining the canal towpath.

Date: 27 May 2017 Time: 10.30-12.30

Attendance: 8

What we observed and talked about —

Birds: Blackbird (also birdsong and egg shell), Chiffchaff, Dunnock, Robin, Song Thrush, Swallow, Willow Warbler, Wren

Flowers: Cleavers, Colt's-foot, Common Bird's-foot-trefoil, Common Dog-violet, Common Field Speedwell, Common Knapweed, Common Vetch, Cowslip, Creeping Buttercup, Dandelion, Dog-rose, False Oxlip, Hedge Bindweed, Herb-Robert, Ivy, Lady's Smock, Meadowsweet, Milkwort, Primrose, Red Clover, Ribwort Plantain, Tormentil, White Clover, Wild Strawberry, Wood Avens
Gastropod: Garden Snail
Grasses: Cock's-foot, Timothy, Wild Oat
Insects: Bombus pascuorum, Froghopper (cuckoo spit)
Mammals: Fox, Otter, Pine Marten, Pygmy Shrew

Trees and shrubs: Alder, Ash, Beech, Blackthorn, Goat Willow, Gorse, Guelder Rose, Hawthorn, Sycamore
Other plants: Bracken, Hart's-tongue Fern, Horsetail

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Treespotting checklist

Here's a checklist recording our observation of trees and associated insects during the year (number of month indicated):

Leaf 4, 6
Fruit 4, 6
Alder Moth larva
Alder Moth adult
May Highflyer larva
May Highflyer adult
Alder Sawfly larva
Alder Sawfly adult


Leaf 4
Fruit 4
Lunar Thorn larva
Lunar Thorn adult 5
Ash Bud Moth larva
Ash Bud Moth adult
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana larva
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana adult 7
Silver-washed Fritillary larva
Silver-washed Fritillary adult 7

Leaf 5, 6
Flower 5
Clay Triple-lines larva
Clay Triple-lines adult
Coxcomb Prominent larva
Coxcomb Prominent adult 7
Green Silver-lines larva
Green Silver-lines adult

Downy Birch

Large Emerald larva
Large Emerald adult 7
Pebble Hook-tip larva
Pebble Hook-tip adult 7
Parent Bug larva
Parent Bug adult

Silver Birch

Leaf 5
Lesser Swallow Prominent larva
Lesser Swallow Prominent adult
Miller larva
Miller adult
Birch Sawfly larva
Birch Sawfly adult


Leaf 4, 6
Flower 4
Magpie Moth larva
Magpie Moth adult
Chinese Character larva
Chinese Character adult 5
Peppered Moth larva
Peppered Moth adult 5, 6, 7


Leaf 7
Little Emerald larva
Little Emerald adult
Mottled Pug larva
Mottled Pug adult
Pammene rhediella larva
Pammene rhediella adult


Leaf 5
Fruit 9
Anania coronata larva
Anania coronata adult
V-Pug larva
V-Pug adult
Rhagium mordax larva
Rhagium mordax adult


Flower 5
Green Hairstreak larva
Green Hairstreak adult
Cydia ulicetana larva
Cydia ulicetana adult
Syrphus ribesii larva
Syrphus ribesii adult

Guelder Rose

Flower 6
Fruit 9
Yellow-barred Brindle larva
Yellow-barred Brindle adult 5
Myathropa florea larva
Myathropa florea adult
Episyrphus balteatus larva
Episyrphus balteatus adult


Leaf 4

Flower 5
Fruit 6
Common Emerald larva
Common Emerald adult
Old Lady larva
Old Lady adult
Rutpela maculata larva
Rutpela maculata adult
Hawthorn Shield Bug larva
Hawthorn Shield Bug adult


Leaf 5
Light Emerald larva
Light Emerald adult
Scalloped Hazel larva
Scalloped Hazel adult
Speckled Wood larva
Speckled Wood adult 9


Leaf 5
Fruit 10
Holly Blue larva
Holly Blue adult 4
Double-striped Pug larva
Double-striped Pug adult
Holly Tortrix larva
Holly Tortrix adult

Flower 5
European Dark Bee larva
European Dark Bee adult
Megachile centuncularis larva
Megachile centuncularis adult
Clepsis consimilana larva
Clepsis consimilana adult

Pedunculate Oak

Scalloped Oak larva
Scalloped Oak adult
Scorched Wing larva
Scorched Wing adult
Common Cockchafer larva
Common Cockchafer adult 5

Leaf 10
Fruit 10
Scorched Carpet larva
Scorched Carpet adult
Spindle Ermine larva
Spindle Ermine adult
Saint Mark's Fly larva
Saint Mark's Fly adult


Dotted Border larva
Dotted Border adult
Acleris forsskaleana larva
Acleris forsskaleana adult
White-tailed Bumblebee adult 4, 5, 6, 7

Irish Whitebeam

Leaf 5, 6, 7
Flower 5
Red Admiral larva
Red Admiral adult
Buff-tip larva
Buff-tip adult 6, 7
Phyllonorycter sorbi larva
Phyllonorycter sorbi adult

Eared Willow

Eyed Hawk-moth larva
Eyed Hawk-moth adult 6
Red-line Quaker larva
Red-line Quaker adult 10
Ruddy Highflyer larva
Ruddy Highflyer adult

Goat Willow

Puss Moth larva
Puss Moth adult
Powdered Quaker larva
Powdered Quaker adult 5
Small Seraphim larva
Small Seraphim adult

Grey Willow

Dun-bar larva
Dun-bar adult
Common Wave larva
Common Wave adult
Cream-spot Ladybird larva
Cream-spot Ladybird adult


Willow Beauty larva
Willow Beauty adult
Buff Footman larva
Buff Footman adult
Blastobasis adustella larva
Blastobasis adustella adult 7





Friday, 12 May 2017

April expedition

This year one of the themes we will be focusing on is trees and the insects associated them. Elsewhere on this blog is a handy guide to each of the trees that we will be looking at during the year (there are a few more in preparation). 

On this expedition we walked along the High Bank and saw some of the spring features of Alder, Ash, Blackthorn and Hawthorn. The Alder was not quite in leaf but we learnt to recognise it by its black cones remaining from the autumn. The Ash was showing evidence of three seasons: some trees had keys still there from the autumn; others displayed some of the velvet winter buds; and a few were coming into leaf. We discussed the similarities and differences between Blackthorn, which was already in flower, and Hawthorn, which would not flower until May. Both of the rose family, we examined the Blackthorn flower. We contrasted its small oval leaves with the lobed and irregular leaves of the Hawthorn. We also discussed the possible uses of the fruit of each.

In the wooded areas we established the difference between the abundant Primrose, the ever-increasing Cowslip and the scarce False Oxlip, which has features of both Cowslip and Primrose. We also looked at the Common Dog-violet with its dark green heart-shaped leaves and the Wild Strawberry.

Earlier we examined the moths which had been trapped in Baltrasna overnight. The larva of each of the moths feeds on trees.

Date: 8 April 2017 Time: 12-1

Attendance: 13 (including 4 children)

What we observed and talked about —

Birds: Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler
Flowers: Common Dog-violet, Cowslip, False Oxlip, Primrose, Wild Strawberry
Moths:  Clouded Drab, March Moth, Hebrew Character, Twin-spotted Quaker
Trees: Alder, Ash, Blackthorn, Hawthorn

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Tree Guide: Pedunculate Oak

Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur


40 metres tall

Leaves to 10cm long with 4-5 deep lobes
Flowers, May (long yellow catkins)
Acorns, autumn, held tightly in cupules

Scalloped Oak
Crocallis elinguaria

Forewing length 18-22mm
Adults July-August
Larva March-June
Overwinters as an egg

Scorched Wing
Plagodis dolabraria

Forewing length 16-19mm
Adults May-late June
Larva June-September
Overwinters as a pupa


Common Cockchafer
Melolontha melolontha

Length 25-30mm
Adults late April-June
Development cycle over 36 months
Overwinters as an adult