Saturday, 18 January 2020

Habitat Maintenance: Marlinstown Section 2

Townland: Marlinstown
Location: west of Baltrasna Bridge on the high bank path north of the canal from where the path drops down to open ground as far as the ruined house
Species: Green-veined White, Large White, Small White, Wood White, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Silver-washed Fritillary, Speckled Wood


1. Cut back and trample bracken, brambles and dog rose.
2. Prune elder trees severely to encourage rejuvenation (flowering and fruiting).
3. Cut hedgerow along the path. The County Council will do this.

Clear path of bracken, brambles and dog rose with shears or sickle.
Prune branches from elder trees on either side of path.

Equipment: Long-handled shears, pruning saw, work gloves, goggles

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Habitat Maintenance: Marlinstown Section 1

Townland: Marlinstown
Location: west of Baltrasna Bridge on the high bank north of the canal from the car park to where the path drops down to open ground
Species: Green-veined White, Large White, Small White, Wood White, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Meadow Brown, Orange-tip, Ringlet, Silver-washed Fritillary, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood

1. Open up the south side of path to let in sunshine that will allow flowers to grow. We can do this.
2. Bring path back to treeline on the north side of the path by cutting brambles and thorns. We can do this.
3. Cut hedgerow along the path. The County Council will do this.

Clear bramble, ivy and small trees from around the Guelder Rose plants along the path. Clear competing tree growth from Guelder Rose plants on the bank between the path and the canal.
Cut branches on the south side of the path to let light in to the areas of light woodland along the path.
Cut down young ash and willow on the south side of path to improve grass habitat for small butterflies along the path.

Equipment: Long-handled shears, pruning saw, work gloves, goggles